Breast Surgery


Many women are unhappy with their breasts for one reason or another. However, our experienced GMC Specialist Registered Consultant Plastic Surgeons can create a more youthful, voluptuous breast contour by adding volume, reshaping the breasts, removing excess skin and or adjusting the size and position of the nipples. If on the other hand you are considering reducing the size of your bust, a mammoplasty procedure, or breast reduction surgery, would be more appropriate.



When we speak of “breast surgery”, breast augmentation or breast implants are usually the first things that to come to mind, but every woman is different, so surgery should be based on an individualised surgical plan delivered by a skilled surgeon who understands the importance of aligning your expectations with desired outcomes. If you are considering surgery, it is important that you only proceed after careful consideration and research of all factors involved. Elective procedures should be something you truly want yourself, not to please anyone else. Our team are here to help you make the right choice for you by educating, informing and empowering you throughout your journey with us. 



At Cosmedicare, we have designed our patient pathway to make the procedure easier for you and to reduce recovery time required following your procedure. Surgical techniques incorporated into our offerings allow for most breast procedures to be undergone as a day case hospital procedure, removing the need for an overnight stay in hospital following your surgery. If you wish to opt for an overnight stay, please do let us know when booking – we’d be delighted to care for you in our overnight private hospital facilities in Livingston. 

Which Implant & Procedure is Right For You?

There are 3 main options to discuss besides size:


  • Silicone cohesive gel Implants (‘gummy-bear implants’)
  • Round Implants
  • Teardrop Implants
  • Smooth Implants
  • Different Brands

At Cosmedicare, we use both Nagor & Motiva Implant ranges – both of which are FDA Approved.


  • Under the chest muscle (subpectoral or dual plane)
  • Over the chest muscle (sub-mammary)

Your surgeon will be able to advise which option is best for you during your consultation.


  • Infra-mammary – in the fold under the breast
  • Peri-areolar – around the areola

During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss appropriate options with you and help you come to a decision on which is best for you.


  • Nipple Correction
  • Areola Reduction
  • Fat Transfer
  • Mastopexy/Uplift
  • Capsulectomy – if previous implants are being removed as part of your surgery

During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss appropriate options with you and help you come to a decision on which is best for you.



During your consultation our team you will get a chance to discuss your desired goals, and whether you want a lift, augmentation, reduction or a combined procedure. We will help you determine what a natural and appropriate breast size would be for your body frame. If you wish to go even larger than the recommendations, we will discuss the options available to you and explain any potential risks.


Our surgeons will help you determine whether or not you are a good candidate for a particular type of procedure by considering the following:


  • Your skin quality
  • The quantity and quality of breast tissue
  • Current size and shape
  • The size and shape you desire
  • The placement of your nipples

If you are in the process of losing weight, or plan on becoming pregnant in the future, be sure to inform your surgeon. We recommended that you are in a position where your weight is consistent before undergoing any type of breast surgery. If you plan on getting pregnant soon, you should wait until after the baby is born and you lose the baby weight before considering surgery. Most surgeons request a minimum of 6 months post partum before any breast surgery.


Our team will discuss your complete medical history, including any previous surgeries you might have had, family history of cancer (particularly breast cancer), drug allergies, medical conditions now and in the past, current mammogram results, etc. Our surgeons will also discuss this during your consultation – this is to allow our team to foreplan for any issues which may arise due to pre-existing medical conditions.


During an examination, measurements and photographs of your breasts will be taken for the medical record. This will help in determining the best course of action, and act as a reference point for comparison post-surgery. At Cosmedicare we also use 3D Crisalix technology to provide a real life visual simulation of how you may look before and after surgery. Many of our patients comment on how this has helped them feel more confident in their decision making with regards to size and shape of implants.



In order to minimise risks of complications, it’s essential that you choose a skilled, experienced surgeon. During your consultation you will learn about the potential risks. If you decide to go ahead with the surgery, you will be provided with pre-operation instructions to help you prepare. We will also give you post-operative instructions so that you’ll know what to do and what not to do after the surgery.


A member of our team will always be available to answer any questions you may have. Many of our patients join our private online support communities where you can see before and after results and follow our patients complete journeys – before and after surgery.


To arrange your appointment at our Glasgow, Edinburgh or Livingston hospitals contact our team today.