Complications or Side Effects from MTF Breast Augmentation

MTF breast augmentation can give you amazing results. However, it also poses some risks that can lead to complications or unfavorable results. Whether you’re undergoing a plastic surgery procedure or a routine surgical procedure, it’s important to remember that all surgeries carry risk.


Risks associated with all surgical procedures include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Changes in skin texture
  • Fluid build-up
  • Scars
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia


Overall, risks associated with plastic surgery are relatively small. The risk of experiencing a serious complication is less than half of one percent, while mortality risks are only 1 in 57,000 patients.





Capsular Contracture – Though capsular contracture occurs in relatively low numbers, it is the most common complication associated with breast augmentation. Capsular contracture is a scar that forms around the implant, resulting in constriction and unnatural appearance. If you develop mild capsular contracture, you may not even notice or be bothered by the condition. In more severe cases, you may need revision surgery to correct the problem.


Breast Implant Displacement – Though uncommon, it is possible for your breast implants to move out of position following surgery. The larger the implant, the greater chance it will displace after surgery. Significant shifts may require revision surgery to move them back into position.


Saline Implant Deflation – It is possible for saline implants to leak or deflate. If this happens, it will happen quickly. Your chest will shrink down to its original size in a matter of hours or days. Because saline implants are filled with saltwater, deflation is not dangerous. However, you will need implant replacement surgery. The risk of deflation is about 4 % during the first year post-surgery, and then reduces to about 1 % thereafter. However at Cosmedicare we only use Silicon implants.


Silicone Implant Rupture – Silicone implant rupture is essentially the same thing as saline implant deflation except that silicone isn’t quickly absorbed by your body. Because silicone gel is cohesive, you may not notice for months or even years. If silicone gel extrudes from the implant shell, it may lead to an inflammatory response and possibly capsular contracture. New silicone implants have thicker shells, and a presumed lower rate of rupture (studies are currently underway). This complication is rare, and will necessitate revision surgery.


Rippling – Rippling or wrinkling occurs when saline shifts around inside your implants. It may also occur with silicone implants, but it’s far less common. This complication is most troublesome if it occurs in the upper half of the breasts because it may be evident in low-cut tops or swimwear.


Loss of Nipple Sensation – Numbness in the nipple after breast augmentation is possible. This loss of sensation may be permanent in some cases. The risk of permanent numbness is about 15 %. If nipple numbness is unacceptable to you, then you should carefully consider this risk prior to electing surgery.




There are a number of things you can do to reduce your risk of complications before and after MTF breast augmentation. One of the most important ways to reduce risk is to select a surgeon who appears as a Specialist plastic & reconstructive surgeon on the GMC register for your procedure to ensure that your surgeon has extensive surgical training, has passed rigorous testing and is current on all of the latest surgical techniques and advances in patient safety.



Once you’ve selected a qualified surgeon for your procedure, it’s very important that you are honest and upfront about your medical history and cosmetic goals. From this information, your surgeon will be able to determine if you are healthy enough to undergo a major surgical procedure. This information will also help your surgeon determine if extra precautions are necessary during or after surgery.




Generally speaking, your overall health (rather than age) is a much better indicator of your risk level. However, because older patients are at a higher risk of serious medical conditions, they may have higher risks. The best candidates for MTF breast augmentation are physically and emotionally healthy. You may not be a good candidate for surgery if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Heavy smoker or drinker
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • A bleeding disorder
  • Lung or heart disease
  • Obesity


MTF breast augmentation may not be for everyone. Your surgeon will be able to determine if surgery is right for you following a personal examination and consultation.



It’s important to remember that high standards of patient care, safety and successful results are the product of the patient, the surgeon and the surgical staff working in tandem to give you the best results possible.