Gynaecology Service at Cosmedicare St. Ellen’s Hospital.
As women, we experience different health conditions than men. That’s why, at Cosmedicare, we adopt a tailored approach to enhance the health and quality of life for all women.
Our Gynaecology and menopause services cover a range of issues, painful sex, HRT, contraception, problematic periods, bladder issues, pelvic scans, cervical smears, endometrial biopsy, and vulval biopsy.
Women seek a gynaecologist services for various reasons and when you come to Cosmedicare we want you to feel comfortable with our female consultant. We provide a relaxed and understanding environment, ensuring personalised care and fostering open communication about your health concerns.
If you’re fed up of hot flushes, demotivated with the changes your body is going through and sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, it may be time to speak to an expert.
Do you know that most GPs receive only minimal training in managing their patients through the menopause and that there are a wide range of medical options available to help alleviate the symptoms and allow you to resume a normal functioning life?
You can arrange now a consultation with our Specialist Gynaecologist Dr. Malini Kanagalingam, and explore all options available to you, safe in the knowledge she will listen and advise based on your individual needs.
Dr. Malini current practice is in Community Gynaecology and Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health with a special interest in Menopause Care.
US – Mirena or Kyleena: The hormonal coil releases Levonorgestrel, thinning the womb lining and thickening cervical mucus.
Preparation and Insertion:
Removal or Replacement:
Side Effects and Risks:
Benefits and Considerations:
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, and our team will be happy to assist you.
The Contraceptive Implant is a long acting reversible progestogen only contraceptive that lasts for 3 years. It is a small flexible plastic rod that is placed under the skin of your upper arm.
After an implant is inserted, check to make sure you can feel it.
Paper stitches and an adhesive dressing are placed over the site then a compression bandage is put on over this.
The pressure bandage helps to reduce swelling and bruising and can be removed after 24 hours.
The adhesive dressing and paper stitches should be kept on for 3- 5 days. Please keep the area clean and dry to allow the wound to heal.
When showering or bathing, you can cover the area in cling film to protect it and keep it dry. When removing the adhesive dressing and paper stitches gently lift the ends towards the centre of the wound before removing them. You can soak the dressing in warm water to help with removal.
You may have some pain, swelling, itching, bruising and discolouration at the wound site that can last for up to 2 weeks. If you need painkillers, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen.
A small number of women may develop an infection at the wound site- please contact your GP if there is redness, warmth or discharge from the site, or if you have fever and chills. You may need a course of antibiotics.
In some cases, if there is persistent infection despite antibiotic treatment after an implant insertion, the implant will need to be removed.