Virtually Painless Hair Removal For All Skin Types
Getting rid of unwanted hair is an age-old issue, with long-term hair removal being particularly challenging.
Our Harmony hair removal method uses groundbreaking technology to offer a simple, one-stop solution for truly effective hair removal. Harmony’s unique gradual heating method effectively damages the hair follicles while avoiding injury to the surrounding skin.
The sweeping In-motionTM delivery technique keeps the laser in constant motion ensuring full coverage. Simultaneous contact cooling prevents burns and allows for more comfortable treatment, and a specialised applicator allows our team to treat large areas in less time.
Whether you have light, dark or tanned skin, coarse or fine hair, Harmony achieves complete hair removal for all areas of the body that’s safe, quick and best of all- virtually painless.
Our experienced practitioners are experienced in all areas of laser hair removal. Taking part in a free consultation allows you to get to know your therapist and allows them to address any concerns you may have about hair removal or any other procedure.
Once you decide to undergo laser hair removal, our team will create a customised plan for you based on your skin type and hair colour to make sure you achieve optimal results.
The procedure is comfortable as we cool the skin prior to a pass with the laser. Any redness that appears should fade within a couple hours. There is no downtime with laser hair removal so you can return to your normal routine immediately.